
1. Email us your requirements

  • number of pages in website
  • additional features (gallery, video etc)
  • any additional requirements - do you need help uploading the site?
2. We will get back to you with a quote

3. You then reply with more detailed content
  • heading of each page and content to be included in each page
  • banner image
  • additional gallery content if applicable (images, videos etc)
  • a description of your business
  • an explanation of your ideas for the website eg "I want the website to feel bright and lively, to match the designs of the clothes I sell from the store"
4. A payment of 50% of total fee is made into paypal. This method provides security for all parties. If you do not have paypal facilities we also accept direct deposit.

5. We design the front page in 3 different design variations and send you screen shots so that you can choose the one which feels best for you. At this point you can specify additional colour and image changes. The more quickly you choose your preference the more quickly we can get the finished product to you.

6. We develop the rest of the website and once again send you screen shots of all pages.

7. The final 50% of the payment is deposited.

8. We deliver the website so that you can begin to use it as a powerful business tool!

9. You now have an internet presence and can attract and communicate with customers across the globe, at any time of day or night!

For further information please email us at

Make a Free Website with Yola.